Copyright 2010 Greta Musland

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rally- to bring into order again; gather and organize or inspire anew.

Greta and I heard back from an agent in Colorado, although she isn't able to represent us, she did send us an edited version of "Blackberri's Bacon Cookies" along with a few pointers.  It was difficult to read some of the criticism, but as a writer and an artist you have to be thick skinned.  We are back to the drawing board (for Greta, literally) to revise our first book.  I have to admit there have been several times when I've been ready to throw in the towel.  Yesterday, my sister sent me an article written by Kathryn Stockett, the author of The Help, apparently she received 60 rejection letters before her best selling book was published.  The article was the perfect wake up call for me.  Time to blow the dust off my laptop, this book isn't going to write and illustrate itself! -Heather

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hi there...have you missed us?

Wanted to let you all know that we have not fallen off the face of the earth.  With the end of the school year, Greta and I have been wrapped up in several children's activities.  Blackberri has been spending most his time indoors waiting for Spring and now Summer to arrive here in the Pacific Northwest.  We are working on our next group of submissions, and may pursue an editor.  Greta will be working to finish up illustrations for Blackberri's Harvest Hunt, and Heather will continue working on the 3rd book.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Greta and I are happy to annouce the addition of our website .  Please check it out!! -Heather

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Finally a title for our second book!  We have been dreaming lately of Spring days, while trying to title Blackberri's latest adventure.  Our second book is Autumn themed, and we've decided to call it "Blackberri's Harvest Hunt".  We are also happy to announce we will be launching our website next week.  Details coming soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

We're still here

Since our last post, Greta and I have begun sending out multiple submissions to agents and publishers.  We have received a couple rejection letters, but that comes with the territory.  Gotta be thick skinned.  We are working on ideas for a Blackberri Facebook page.  Coming soon!! -Heather

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Blackberri, Greta, and I are back from our much needed Hawaiian vacation.  Check out the updated slideshow.  I have finished writing the 2nd book, and it is in the hands of Greta to come up with some clever illustrations.  Meanwhile I need to brainstorm a title.  Things have been on hold, while we've been working on getting Blackberri's Bacon Cookies out to publishers.  Thanks for being patient with us.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Greta and I are back to work!  I was fortunate enough to connect with a couple very talented local authors, over the holiday break.  They were extremely helpful and I am so grateful for the information they shared with me.  Greta and I have a meeting scheduled for this Thursday to gather manuscripts and query letters.  We are getting ready to blast them out to a local publishing company, and also a few agents.  I am working on Blackberri's 3rd adventure as time permits.  -Heather